What is BrF3? Important knowledge about BrF3

  1. Definition of BrF3
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Bromine trifluoride
    1.1.2 English name: Bromine trifluoride
    1.2 Atomic composition: BrF3 contains 1 Bromine atom and 3 Fluorine atoms.
    1.3 Atomic mass: 90.921 (Br) + 18 -> .998 (3F) = 109.919 g/mol
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: BrF3 has a T-shape structure due to the presence of two nonbonding electron pairs on the Bromine atom.
    1.4 Ion structure: BrF3 does not form ions as it does not dissociate in solution to form ions.

  2. Properties: BrF3
    2.1 Physical properties of BrF3
    State: liquid
    Color: colorless
    Smell: pungent
    PH level: not applicable as it does not dissociate in solution.
    2.2 Chemical properties of BrF3: BrF3 mainly reacts with metals and nonmetals to form complex compounds. It also reacts with water to produce hydrofluoric and bromic acids.

  3. Common chemical equation of BrF3: BrF3 + 2KOH -> KBr + KF + H2O

  4. Synthesis of BrF3
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis of BrF3: BrF3 can be synthesized by reacting Bromine with Fluorine at high temperature.
    2Br2 + 3F2 -> 4BrF3
    4.2 Industrial synthesis of BrF3: BrF3 is not produced on an industrial scale due to its extreme toxicity and strong reactivity with the environment. It is mainly used in chemical research.

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