What is CIF3? Important knowledge about CIF3.

  1. Definition of CIF3
    1.1 Names
    1.1.1 Common name: Trifluoride Chlorine
    1.1.2 English name: Chlorine Trifluoride
    1.2. Atomic mass: CIF3 contains one chlorine atom and three fluorine atoms.
    1.3. Molecular weight: The molecular weight of CIF3 is 92.45 g/mol.
    1.3.1 Molecular structure: The CIF3 molecule has a T-shape structure.
    1.4 Ion structure: CIF3 does not form ions in its natural state.

  2. Properties of CIF3
    2.1 Physical properties of CIF3
    State: Liquid
    Color: Colorless
    Smell: Unpleasant smell
    pH: N/A
    2.2 Chemical properties of CIF3: CIF3 is very reactive, it can react with many other substances such as water, metals, air, and even fire retardants.

  3. Common chemical reactions of CIF3
    Metal reaction [If any]: CIF3 + 2Al -> AlCl3 + 3F2
    Acid reaction [If any]: CIF3 + 3H2O -> HClO + 3HF
    Non-metal reaction [If any]: CIF3 + N2 -> 2ClF + NF3
    Reaction with salt [If any]: CIF3 + NaCl -> NaF + Cl2

  4. Preparation of CIF3
    4.1 Lab preparation of CIF3: CIF3 can be prepared by reacting fluorine with chlorine at high temperatures.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of CIF3: CIF3 is produced industrially by heating a mixture of F2 and Cl2.

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