What is PF5? Important knowledge about PF5

  1. Definition of PF5
    PF5, also known as Pentafluorophosphorane or Fluorophosphane in English, is a colorless compound of Phosphorous and Fluorine. The molecular structure of PF5 consists of a central Phosphorous atom surrounded by five Fluorine atoms. PF5 has a molar mass of 127.96 and an average atomic weight of 31.0 g/mol. In the atmosphere, PF5 can exist as the ion PF6-.

  2. Properties: PF5
    PF5 is a colorless, odorless solid. Under normal conditions, PF5 has a neutral pH. PF5 has the ability to react with water to form HF and POF3, and can also react with alkaline substances to form alkaline Phosphorus compounds.

  3. Common chemical equations involving PF5
    PF5 often reacts with metals, acids, and nonmetals.


  1. Preparation of PF5
    In practice, PF5 is not prepared in the laboratory due to its toxicity and high corrosiveness. On an industrial scale, PF5 is usually prepared from PCl5 and HF:
    PCl5 + 5HF -> PF5 + 5HCl.

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