What is N2O7? Important knowledge about N2O7.

  1. Definition of N2O7
    N2O7 is the chemical formula for dinitrogen heptoxide, also known as high nitric acid or nitrogen VII acid. The English name for this substance is Dinitrogen heptoxide. N2O7 has a molar mass of 92.02138 and is composed of two nitrogen atoms and seven oxygen atoms. N2O7 does not have an ionic structure as it is an isolated molecule with a characteristic spherical structure.

  2. Properties of N2O7
    N2O7 has very unique physical properties. This substance in solid state is white, odorless, and does not react to changes in pH level. The chemical properties of N2O7 are demonstrated through its strong reactivity with metals and non-metals to form nitrates.

  3. Common chemical equations involving N2O7
    The reaction of N2O7 with metals typically results in metal nitrates. For example, the reaction between N2O7 and sodium forms sodium nitrate. N2O7 can also react with acids, non-metals to form other nitrate compounds.

  4. Preparation of N2O7
    N2O7 can be prepared in the laboratory through the reaction between nitric acid and dinitrogen pentoxide. Industrially, N2O7 is prepared by cooling concentrated nitric acid to an appropriate temperature.

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