What is N2H6? Important knowledge about N2H6.

  1. Definition of N2H6:

1.1 Names:
1.1.1 Common name: Hydrazine or Dihydrazine
1.1.2 English name: Hydrazine

1.2 Atomic mass: N2H6 is a chemical compound with 2 nitrogen atoms and 6 hydrogen atoms.

1.3 Molecular weight: 32.05 g/mol.

1.3.1 Molecular structure: N2H6 consists of 2 nitrogen atoms linked by a single bond, and each nitrogen is linked to 3 hydrogen atoms.

1.4 Ion structure: N2H6 can be converted into a hydrazinium ion when it loses more than one H2O molecule.

  1. Characteristics of N2H6:

2.1 Physical properties of N2H6:
State: Colorless liquid or white crystals
Color: Colorless
Smell: Unpleasant, distinctive smell
PH level: N2H6 is basic (pH>7)

2.2 Chemical properties of N2H6: Very reactive with oxygen, chlorine, and other strong oxidizing agents. N2H6 can also react with acids such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid…

  1. Common chemical equations of N2H6:

N2H6 + HCl -> 2NH4Cl
N2H6 + O2 -> N2 + 3H2O
N2H6 + Cl2 -> N2 + 6HCl
N2H6 + H2SO4 -> (NH4)2SO4

  1. Synthesis of N2H6:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of N2H6: From ammonia and excess chlorine: 2NH3 + Cl2 -> N2H4 + 2HCl

4.2 Industrial synthesis of N2H6: From ammonia and oxygen or ozone, in an alkaline environment with iron as a catalyst. Notably, the synthesis of N2H6 must be carried out in an air-free condition because N2H6 is very flammable and explosive when in contact with air.

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