What is C4H6? Important knowledge about C4H6.

  1. Definition of C4H6

C4H6 is the chemical formula of several types of unsaturated hydrocarbons containing 4 carbon atoms and 6 hydrogen atoms. Substances with the general formula C4H6 are usually called butene or butadiene.

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common names: Butene or Butadiene
1.1.2 English names: Butene or Butadiene
1.2. Atomic structure: C4H6 consists of 4 carbon atoms and 6 hydrogen atoms.
1.3. Atomic weight: The atomic weight of C4H6 is 54.09 g/mol.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: C4H6 consists of 4 carbon atoms connected to each other, and 6 hydrogen atoms connected to carbon.
1.4 Ion structure: C4H6 does not have ions as it is a hydrocarbon.

  1. Properties: C4H6

2.1 Physical properties of C4H6:
State: Gas under normal conditions
Color: Colorless
Odor: Odorless
pH: Does not affect the acid/base environment as it is a neutral substance.
2.2 Chemical properties of C4H6: Easily carries out addition reactions with oxidants, halogens.

  1. Common chemical equations involving C4H6:

C4H6 + Br2 -> C4H6Br2(Reactionwithbromine)

  1. Synthesis of C4H6

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of C4H6: C4H6 can be synthesized from ethylene through dimerization reaction.
4.2 Industrial synthesis of C4H6: Produced from the cracking process of petroleum, or synthesized from ethylene.

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