What is C2H5OH? Important knowledge about C2H5OH.

  1. Definition of C2H5OH:

C2H5OH is the chemical formula of ethyl alcohol, an organic compound in the family of alcohols. Ethyl alcohol is also known by other names such as ethanol, ethylic alcohol, or simply alcohol. Its English name is ethanol or ethyl alcohol.

The structure of the C2H5OH molecule includes 2 carbon atoms (C), 6 hydrogen atoms (H), and one oxygen atom (O). The molecular weight is 46.07 g/mol. Ethyl alcohol does not form ions in solution.

  1. Properties of C2H5OH

2.1 Physical properties of ethyl alcohol: It is a transparent, colorless liquid with a characteristic smell. Its pH is around 7, which is neutral.

2.2 Chemical properties of ethyl alcohol: It is easily oxidized, can react with acids and salts to form other compounds.

  1. Common chemical equations of C2H5OH:

Ethyl alcohol can react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. For example:

  • Reaction with acid, for example: C2H5OH + HCl -> C2H5Cl + H2O
  • Reaction with salt, for example: C2H5OH + Na -> C2H5ONa + H2
  • Reaction with non-metals, for example: C2H5OH + O2 -> CO2 + H2O
  1. Synthesis of C2H5OH

4.1 There are many methods to synthesize ethyl alcohol in the laboratory, such as the reaction between ethylene and water in an acid environment or from the fermentation of sugar.

4.2 On an industrial scale, ethyl alcohol is typically produced from the fermentation of sugar by saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast or from the hydration of ethylene.

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