What is C8H16? Important Knowledge about C8H16

  1. Definition of C8H16
    C8H16 is a general formula for a type of chemical compound belonging to the alkenes group. They are commonly known as octenes and can appear in several different isomers. Their English name is Octenes. Each molecule of C8H16 contains 8 carbon atoms and 16 hydrogen atoms. The molecular weight of C8H16 is 112.21 g/mol. Moreover, C8H16 does not contain ions in its structure because they are non-metal compounds.

  2. Properties of C8H16
    2.1 Physical properties of C8H16
    C8H16 typically appears as a colorless liquid. They have a distinctive smell of hydrocarbon substances. The pH of C8H16 cannot be determined because they are neither acid nor base.
    2.2 Chemical properties of C8H16
    C8H16 can participate in substitution and addition reactions, especially addition reactions with halogen and substitution reactions with strong oxidants.

  3. Common chemical equations of C8H16
    Due to the characteristic of alkenes, C8H16 participates in addition reactions with halogen, such as:
    C8H16 + Br2 -> C8H16Br2
    C8H16 + Cl2 -> C8H16Cl2

  4. Preparation of C8H16
    4.1 Laboratory preparation of C8H16
    C8H16 is usually synthesized from larger hydrocarbon sources through the reaction of shortening carbon chains or from substances containing many hydroxyl groups.
    4.2 Industrial preparation of C8H16
    On an industrial scale, C8H16 is typically produced from petroleum derivatives, specifically from longer-chain hydrocarbons.

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