What is C7H14? Important knowledge about C7H14.

  1. Definition of C7H14

C7H14 is an organic compound belonging to the group of unsaturated hydrocarbons, specifically the alkene group with the molecular formula C7H14.
1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Heptene
1.1.2 English name: Heptene
1.2. Atomic mass: C7H14 contains 7 carbon atoms and 14 hydrogen atoms.
1.3. Atomic weight: The total atomic weight of C7H14 is 98.18606 g/mol.
1.3.1 Molecular structure: The exact structure of the C7H14 molecule is the arrangement of 7 carbon atoms and 14 hydrogen atoms in a chain.
1.4 Ion structure: C7H14 does not have ions because it is an unsaturated hydrocarbon.

  1. Properties of C7H14

2.1 Physical properties of C7H14
State: Liquid
Color: Transparent
Smell: Odorless
PH level: Not applicable as it is not an alkali or acid.
2.2 Chemical properties of C7H14:
C7H14 reacts with strong oxidants such as KMnO4 or H2SO4 to form products containing more complex chemical functions.

  1. Common chemical equations of C7H14
    As an organic compound, C7H14 mainly participates in substitution and addition reactions.

  2. Synthesis of C7H14
    C7H14 is synthesized through the cracking process of petroleum and crude oil in industry, or through the addition reaction of ethylene in the laboratory.

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of C7H14
4.2 Industrial synthesis of C7H14
C7H14 is produced on an industrial scale through the process of cutting, dividing, and re-structuring the long hydrocarbon chains found in petroleum and crude oil.

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