What is C8H18? Important knowledge about C8H18.

  1. Definition of C8H18

C8H18, also known as Octane, belongs to the group of hydrocarbons containing 8 carbon atoms and 18 hydrogen atoms. The English name of this substance is Octane. The molar mass of C8H18 is 114.22 g/mol. Its molecular structure is formed from 8 carbon atoms and 18 hydrogen atoms linked together, creating a chemical chain. C8H18 does not generate ions in the normal environment.

  1. Properties of C8H18

Physical properties: C8H18 is in liquid form, colorless and has a characteristic hydrocarbon smell. Its pH is 7 because it is a neutral substance and does not react with acids or bases.

Chemical properties: C8H18 is a flammable substance, generating heat and CO2 gas when reacting with oxygen. In addition, it can also react with some strong oxidants.

  1. Common chemical equations of C8H18

Combustion reaction: C8H18 + 12 -> .5O2 -> 8CO2 + 9H2O ->

Chain-breaking reaction: C8H18 -> C8H17· + H·

Since C8H18 is a hydrocarbon, it does not react with acids, metals or non-metals.

  1. Synthesis of C8H18

C8H18 is usually synthesized through the process of hydrocarbon reforming, also known as cracking. This process involves heating longer hydrocarbons (such as petroleum) to break the carbon chain, creating lighter hydrocarbons like C8H18.

The laboratory synthesis process of C8H18 involves using a catalyst such as Al2O3 or ZnO to assist in breaking the carbon chain. Meanwhile, the industrial synthesis process of C8H18 often involves the use of high temperature and pressure.

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