What is As2? Important knowledge about As2

Hello everyone, today we are going to learn about a chemical substance named As2.

  1. Definition of As2:
    As2, also known as Arsenic, is a chemical element with the symbol As and atomic number 33 on the periodic table. In English, we usually call it Arsenic. The atomic weight of Arsenic is 74.92. The molecular structure of As2 consists of two Arsenic atoms bonded together. This substance does not exist in the form of ions.

  2. Characteristics:
    Arsenic has extremely special physical and chemical properties.

2.1 Physical properties of As2:
As2 in the solid state is lead-gray in color. It has no odor and no PH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of As2:
Arsenic is a nonmetal, capable of reacting with many other substances such as metals, acids, and nonmetals.

  1. Common chemical equations of As2:
    However, As2 does not usually participate in common chemical reactions, so we do not have examples of reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, or salts.

  2. Preparation of As2:
    Arsenic cannot be prepared in the laboratory due to its toxicity and properties. However, As2 can be industrially produced through the process of reducing arsenic trioxide with lead coal.

I hope that with the above knowledge, you can understand more about the chemical substance As2.

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