What is CrBaO3? Important knowledge about CrBaO3.

  1. Definition of CrBaO3

CrBaO3, also known as Barium Chromate, is a chemical compound with a molecular weight of 255.3 g/mol. This compound consists of 1 Chromium atom, 1 Barium atom, and 3 Oxygen atoms. In the molecular structure, the Chromium and Barium atoms form the central ion, surrounded by the Oxygen atoms.

  1. Properties: CrBaO3

2.1 Physical properties of CrBaO3

CrBaO3 is a solid at room temperature, with color ranging from yellow to orange, and has no distinctive odor. It is insoluble in water. The pH of CrBaO3 is undefined because it does not dissolve in water.

2.2 Chemical properties of CrBaO3

CrBaO3 does not easily react with common chemicals such as acids or bases. However, it can react with alkali metals to form other substances.

  1. Common chemical equations for CrBaO3

CrBaO3 is not commonly used in chemical reactions at general schools. It is mainly used industrially to create colors for ceramics and dyes.

  1. Preparation of CrBaO3

4.1 Laboratory preparation of CrBaO3

CrBaO3 is not usually prepared in school laboratories because the process requires the use of Chromium, a toxic substance.

4.2 Industrial preparation of CrBaO3

In industry, CrBaO3 is prepared by combining Chromium (VI) oxide with Barium oxide at high temperatures.

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