What is CrBr3? Important knowledge about CrBr3.

  1. Definition of CrBr3
    CrBr3, also known as Chromium(III) bromide, is a chemical substance with a molecular weight of 291.73 g/mol. Its molecular structure consists of one chromium ion forming three bonds with three bromine ions.

  2. Properties of CrBr3
    CrBr3 is a dark brown solid substance without a characteristic smell. It is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol and ether. When heated, CrBr3 will decompose.

The chemical properties of CrBr3 include its ability to react with other substances such as oxygen or alkali metals to form new products. For example: CrBr3 + 3KOH -> K3CrO4 + 3KBr

  1. Common chemical equations involving CrBr3

  2. Preparation of CrBr3
    The preparation of CrBr3 is usually carried out in the laboratory by reacting Cr with Br2 at high temperatures: 2 Cr + 3Br2 -> 2CrBr3.

In addition, CrBr3 can also be prepared from Cr(OH)3 and HBr: Cr(OH)3 + 3HBr -> CrBr3 + 3H2O.

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