What is K2HSO4? Important knowledge about K2HSO4.

Let’s explore the chemical compound K2HSO4 – a familiar substance in our everyday life.

  1. What is K2HSO4?
    K2HSO4 is the chemical formula for Potassium hydrogen sulfate, also known as potassium bisulfate or acid potassium sulfate. In English, it is called “Potassium bisulfate” or “Potassium hydrogen sulfate.” The molar mass of K2HSO4 is 136.17 g/mol. The molecular structure of K2HSO4 consists of 2 potassium ions (K+), 1 hydrogen ion (H+), and 1 sulfate ion (SO42-).

  2. Properties of K2HSO4
    K2HSO4 is a solid, white, and odorless substance. The pH of K2HSO4 is very low (about 1), indicating that it has a strong acidity. K2HSO4 can react with metals and nonmetals to form new compounds.

  3. Common chemical reactions of K2HSO4
    K2HSO4 often participates in reactions with metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts. Specifically, K2HSO4 can react with metals like Mg, Al to form MgSO4, Al2(SO4)3; with acids like HCl, H2SO4 to form KCl, H2O, SO2; with nonmetals like O2, Cl2 to form K2SO4, KCl; and with salts like NaCl, MgSO4 to form KCl, K2SO4.

  4. Preparation of K2HSO4
    In the lab, K2HSO4 can be prepared from K2SO4 and H2SO4 according to the reaction: K2SO4 + H2SO4 -> 2KHSO4. Industrially, K2HSO4 is usually produced from the oxidation process of potassium sulfide (K2S) with oxygen and sulfuric acid solution.

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