What is K2AlO2? Important knowledge about K2AlO2

  1. Definition of K2AlO2

K2AlO2, also known as Potassium aluminate (English name: Potassium aluminate), is an organic substance with an atomic mass of 110.07 g/mol. Its molecular structure consists of 2 Potassium atoms, 1 Aluminum atom, and 2 Oxygen atoms. K2AlO2 has an ionic structure of AlO2 2- and K+.

  1. Properties: K2AlO2

K2AlO2 is a colorless crystalline solid. It does not have a distinctive odor. In terms of pH, K2AlO2 has a pH of about 14 when dissolved in water, indicating that it has strong alkalinity. The chemical properties of K2AlO2 include the ability to react with acids to form salts and water, as well as react with metals with lower oxidation numbers than aluminum.

  1. Common chemical equations involving K2AlO2

K2AlO2 reacts with acids such as H2SO4, HCl to create salts containing Al3+ and K+ ions, as well as water. Specifically, with sulfuric acid, the chemical equation will be: K2AlO2 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + Al(OH)3. In addition, K2AlO2 can also react with metals with lower oxidation numbers than aluminum to displace the position such as: Cu + K2AlO2 -> CuO + 2K.

  1. Synthesis of K2AlO2

K2AlO2 can be synthesized in the laboratory by reacting potassium hydroxide with aluminum in water: 2 KOH + Al -> K2AlO2 + 1.5 H2. On an industrial scale, K2AlO2 is produced through the reaction between potassium, aluminum, and oxygen at high temperatures.

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