What is Al2(NO3)6? Important knowledge about Al2(NO3)6.

Al2(NO3)6, also known as Aluminum nitrate, is a chemical compound with a rather complex formula.

1.1 The common name of Al2(NO3)6 is Aluminum nitrate. In English, this compound is called Aluminium nitrate.
1.2 Al2(NO3)6 consists of 2 aluminum atoms, 6 nitrate ions in the ratio indicated by the formula.
1.3 The molecular weight of Al2(NO3)6 is 375.13 g/mol. Wherein, aluminum accounts for 14.6%, nitrogen accounts for 33.6% and oxygen accounts for 51.7%.
1.4 Al2(NO3)6 is a complex ion, with 2 aluminum ions and 6 nitrate ions.

2.1 Physical properties: Al2(NO3)6 is a solid, white, and odorless substance. Its pH when dissolved in water is neutral.
2.2 Chemical properties: Al2(NO3)6 is a strong oxidizing agent, capable of reacting with many other substances such as metals, non-metals, and salts.

  1. Some common reactions of Al2(NO3)6:
    3.1 Reaction with metals: Al2(NO3)6 + 3Cu -> 2Al + 3Cu(NO3)2
    3.2 Reaction with acids: Al2(NO3)6 + 6HCl -> 2AlCl3 + 6HNO3
    3.3 Reaction with non-metals: Al2(NO3)6 + S8 -> 2Al2S3 + 6N2O5
    3.4 Reaction with salts: Al2(NO3)6 + 3Na2SO4 -> 2Al2(SO4)3 + 6NaNO3

  2. Al2(NO3)6 can be synthesized through the reaction between aluminum and nitric acid:
    4.1 Al + 4HNO3 -> Al(NO3)3 + NO + 2H2O
    4.2 In the industry, Al2(NO3)6 is produced by dissolving aluminum in nitric acid, then heating it to remove water.

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