What is K2NO3? Important knowledge about K2NO3.

  1. Definition of K2NO3:
    1.1 Name: K2NO3 is commonly known as Potassium Nitrate.
    1.2 Atomic composition: A K2NO3 molecule consists of 2 Potassium (K) atoms, 1 Nitrogen (N) atom, and 3 Oxygen (O) atoms.
    1.3 Atomic mass: The atomic mass of K2NO3 equals the total mass of the atoms that compose it, including: 2 Potassium atoms (39.10 g/mol per atom), 1 Nitrogen atom (14.01 g/mol), and 3 Oxygen atoms (16.00 g/mol per atom).
    1.4 Ionic structure: K2NO3 dissociates in solution into K+ and NO3- ions.

  2. Properties of K2NO3:
    2.1 Physical properties: Potassium Nitrate is a white, odorless solid with a neutral or slightly alkaline pH.
    2.2 Chemical properties: Potassium Nitrate is non-flammable but can enhance the combustion of other substances. It decomposes at high temperatures, producing potassium nitrite and oxygen.

  3. Common chemical reactions of K2NO3: Potassium Nitrate can react with strong acids like sulfuric acid, producing nitric acid and potassium sulfate.

  4. Synthesis of K2NO3:
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis: Potassium Nitrate is usually synthesized by reacting potassium hydroxide with nitric acid.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis: In industry, Potassium Nitrate is typically produced from the reaction between potassium chloride and sodium nitrate.

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