What is BaS2O4? Important knowledge about BaS2O4.

  1. Definition of BaS2O4:

BaS2O4, also known as Barium persulfate or Barium persulphate in English, is an inorganic chemical. The molecular structure of BaS2O4 consists of Barium (Ba), sulfur (S), and oxygen (O) atoms. Herein, Barium accounts for 1 atom, sulfur accounts for 2 atoms, and oxygen accounts for 4 atoms. The total atomic mass of BaS2O4 is 281.39 g/mol.

  1. Properties of BaS2O4:

2.1 Physical properties:
BaS2O4 usually exists in the form of a colorless, odorless solid. Its pH when dissolved in water is relatively alkaline.

2.2 Chemical properties:
BaS2O4 is very reactive with other substances, especially under high temperature conditions.

  1. Common chemical equations:

Essentially, BaS2O4 can react with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts. However, it should be noted that specific equations may vary depending on the specific conditions of the reaction.

  1. Synthesis of BaS2O4:

4.1 Laboratory synthesis:
In the laboratory, BaS2O4 is usually synthesized from Barium chloride (BaCl2) and Potassium persulfate (K2S2O8).

4.2 Industrial synthesis:
On an industrial scale, BaS2O4 is typically produced from Barium sulfide (BaS) and Oxygen (O2), under high temperature and pressure conditions.

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