What is PbH2? Important knowledge about PbH2.

  1. PbH2, also known as Plumbane, is a molecule formed by the atoms of Lead (Pb) and Hydrogen (H). In PbH2, the Lead atom combines with two Hydrogen atoms to form a rather unique compound. Each Lead atom has an atomic mass of 207.2 amu and each Hydrogen atom has an atomic mass of 1.008 amu. The ionic configuration of PbH2 includes Pb2+ ion and two H- ions.

  2. Properties of PbH2:
    2.1. Physical properties: PbH2 is solid, colorless and odorless. The pH of PbH2 is relatively stable and cannot be measured because it is insoluble in water.
    2.2. Chemical properties: PbH2 can react with many other substances such as Oxygen, acids or salts.

  3. Common chemical equation of PbH2:
    PbH2 does not react with metals, acids or salts so there is no specific example.

  4. Preparation of PbH2:
    4.1. Laboratory preparation: PbH2 is not prepared in the laboratory due to its toxic and dangerous properties.
    4.2. Industrial preparation: Currently, PbH2 is not produced on an industrial scale due to its toxic and dangerous properties for the environment and human health.

Note: PbH2 is listed as a non-existent inorganic compound according to modern chemical research.

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