What is SnH2? Important knowledge about SnH2.

  1. Definition of SnH2

SnH2, also known as stannous hydride, is a chemical compound formed from stannum (Sn) and hydrogen (H) atoms. In English, it is known as stannane. It has a molar mass of 122.71 g/mol. The atomic mass of each element in the molecule is: Sn=118.71 and H=1, therefore, the molar mass of SnH2 is 122.71 g/mol. In the SnH2 molecule, one Sn atom combines with two H atoms to form a covalent bond.

  1. Properties of SnH2

2.1 Physical properties of SnH2
SnH2 is a solid, colorless, odorless substance without a specific pH level.

2.2 Chemical properties of SnH2
SnH2 is reactive, readily reacting with oxygen and water.

  1. Common chemical equations involving SnH2
    Given that SnH2 readily reacts with oxygen and water, the following chemical equations can be observed:
    SnH2 + O2 -> SnO2 + H2O
    SnH2 + 2H2O -> Sn(OH)2 + 2H2

  2. Synthesis of SnH2

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of SnH2
SnH2 can be synthesized through the reaction of Sn and H2 at high temperatures:
Sn + H2 -> SnH2

4.2 Industrial synthesis of SnH2
On an industrial scale, SnH2 is typically produced through the reduction of SnO2 by H2 at high temperatures.

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