What is Pb(ClO3)2? Important knowledge about Pb(ClO3)2.

  1. Definition of Pb(ClO3)2

Pb(ClO3)2, also known as Lead Perchlorate, is a chemical compound composed of lead and chlorine. Each molecule of Pb(ClO3)2 consists of 1 lead atom, 2 chlorine atoms, and 6 oxygen atoms. In English, we call it “Lead (II) Perchlorate”. Its total atomic mass is 398.01 g/mol, with the atomic mass of the lead atom being 207.2 g/mol, that of the chlorine atom being 35.45 g/mol, and that of the oxygen atom being 16 g/mol.

  1. Properties of Pb(ClO3)2

Pb(ClO3)2 is a solid, white, odorless substance with neutral pH. This compound is flammable and explosive when exposed to too much heat. It does not dissolve in ethanol but can dissolve in water.

  1. Common Chemical Equations

Pb(ClO3)2 reacts with metals such as sodium, potassium, and aluminum to produce salts and chlorine gas. It also reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce salts and chlorine gas. In some cases, this compound may also generate other inorganic compounds.

  1. Preparation of Pb(ClO3)2

In the laboratory, Pb(ClO3)2 is usually synthesized by reacting a lead II+ compound with perchloric acid. In industrial production, Pb(ClO3)2 is synthesized from lead (II) nitrate and sodium perchlorate.

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