What is BaGeO4? Important knowledge about BaGeO4.

  1. Definition of BaGeO4

BaGeO4, also known as Barium germanate, is a chemical substance with the formula BaGeO4. The structure of BaGeO4 is crystalline, it contains atoms of Barium, Germanium, and Oxygen. The atomic mass of Barium is 137.33, Germanium is 72.63, and Oxygen is 16, therefore, the atomic mass of BaGeO4 is 262.61 g/mol. The BaGeO4 molecule is composed of one Ba2+ ion and one GeO4 4- ion.

  1. Properties of BaGeO4

2.1 Physical properties of BaGeO4: BaGeO4 is a colorless, odorless crystalline solid. The pH of BaGeO4 is not clearly defined, however, since it is an insoluble crystalline solid, its pH is not affected.

2.2 Chemical properties of BaGeO4: BaGeO4 is quite stable, does not burn, and does not react with water. However, if it is heated with a combustible material, it could potentially release toxic gases.

  1. Common chemical equations involving BaGeO4: Since BaGeO4 does not react with water and most other chemicals, there are not many chemical equations involving it.

  2. Synthesis of BaGeO4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of BaGeO4: BaGeO4 can be synthesized by reacting BaCO3 (Barium carbonate) with GeO2 (Germanium dioxide) at high temperatures.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of BaGeO4: The synthesis of BaGeO4 on an industrial scale also follows a similar process as in the laboratory.

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