What is MnSO4? Important knowledge about MnSO4

  1. Definition of MnSO4

MnSO4, commonly known as Mangan(II) sulfate or Manganese sulfate. In English, its name is Manganese (II) Sulfate. This compound consists of one manganese atom, one sulfur atom, and four oxygen atoms. The molecular structure of manganese sulfate shows the relationship between these atoms. Manganese sulfate has a molecular weight of 151.001 grams/mol, while the atomic weight is 55.845 grams/mol. In solution, it forms the manganese ion Mn2+ and the sulfate ion SO4 2-.

  1. Properties of MnSO4

2.1 Physical properties of MnSO4: MnSO4 exists as pink or white crystals. It has no special odor. The pH of a MnSO4 solution in water is usually neutral or slightly acidic (about 5-6).

2.2 Chemical properties of MnSO4: MnSO4 can react with metal, acid, non-metal, and salt.

  1. Common chemical equations of MnSO4

Reaction with metal: MnSO4 + Zn -> Mn + ZnSO4
Reaction with acid: MnSO4 + H2SO4 -> Mn(SO4)2 + H2
Reaction with non-metal: 3MnSO4 + 2P -> Mn3(PO4)2 + 3SO2

  1. Synthesis of MnSO4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of MnSO4: MnSO4 can be synthesized from manganese dioxide and dilute sulfuric acid: MnO2 + H2SO4 -> MnSO4 + H2O.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of MnSO4: In industry, manganese sulfate is often produced by leaching (washing) manganese ore with sulfuric acid, then separating and drying the resulting solution.

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