What is TlI3? Important knowledge about TlI3.

  1. Definition of TlI3

Thallium(I) iodide (TlI3) is a chemical substance with the formula TlI3. Thallium(I) iodide is a compound of thallium and iodine. The English name of this compound is Thallium(I) iodide. The molar mass of TlI3 is 784.68 g/mol. The TlI3 molecule consists of one thallium atom and three iodine atoms.

  1. Properties: TlI3

TlI3 is a solid substance, black in color. TlI3 has no characteristic smell and is insoluble in water. The pH of TlI3 is not determined because it does not dissolve in water. TlI3 is capable of reacting with other substances such as metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts.

  1. Common chemical equations involving TlI3

TlI3 does not usually participate in chemical reactions like metals, acids, nonmetals, and salts. However, it can react with other substances under special conditions.

  1. Synthesis of TlI3

The synthesis of TlI3 is not usually carried out in a chemical laboratory due to the toxicity of thallium. However, in industry, TlI3 can be synthesized from thallium and iodine under high temperature conditions.

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