What is In(OH)3? Important knowledge about In(OH)3.

  1. Definition of In(OH)3:

In(OH)3, also known as indium hydroxide, is a chemical compound belonging to the category of metal hydroxides. The English name of this substance is Indium Hydroxide. The atomic mass of this compound consists of one indium atom (In), and three hydroxide atoms (OH). The molecular weight of In(OH)3 is 165.83 g/mol. The molecular structure of In(OH)3 shows an indium atom bonded with three hydroxide atoms, forming the ion In(OH)3-.

  1. Properties of In(OH)3:

Physical properties: In(OH)3 is a colorless, odorless powder that is neutral when dissolved in water.

Chemical properties: In(OH)3 is very slightly soluble in water but can dissolve in strong acids such as sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid to form corresponding salts.

  1. Common chemical equations:

Reaction with metals: No reaction

Reaction with acids: In(OH)3 + 3HCl -> InCl3 + 3H2O

Reaction with non-metals: No reaction

Reaction with salts: In(OH)3 + 3NaCl -> InCl3 + 3NaOH

  1. Synthesis of In(OH)3:

The common way to synthesize In(OH)3 in the lab is through the reaction between indium and water:

2In + 6H2O -> 2In(OH)3 + 3H2

In industry, In(OH)3 is synthesized through the oxidation process of indium in an alkaline environment.

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