What is H2CrO6? Important knowledge about H2CrO6.

H2CrO6 is the chemical formula of chromium VI acid, also known as dichromic acid. In English, this substance is referred to as Dichromic Acid.

The molecular weight of H2CrO6 consists of: 2 hydrogen atoms (H), 1 chromium atom (Cr), and 6 oxygen atoms (O). The total atomic mass of H2CrO6 is 215.99 g/mol. H2CrO6 molecule includes 2 hydrogen atoms linked with 1 oxygen atom to form a hydroxyl group and the chromium atom is linked with 4 oxygen atoms. H2CrO6 acid corresponds to CrO4(2-) ion, also known as chromate ion.

In terms of physical properties, solid H2CrO6 is orange to red in color. This substance has no specific smell, the pH of chromium VI acid is very low, indicating its strong acidity. Regarding chemical properties, H2CrO6 can turn into Cr2O3 when thermally decomposed and can react with metals, acids, and non-metals under certain conditions.

In terms of chemical reactions, H2CrO6 often participates in oxidation reactions, such as reactions with metals like Fe, Cu, Zn; reactions with acids like H2S, SO2; reactions with non-metals like S, P and various types of salts.

H2CrO6 is usually synthesized through the reaction between K2Cr2O7 (potassium dichromate) and a strong acid such as H2SO4. In the laboratory, the reaction between K2Cr2O7 and strong sulfuric acid is often used to synthesize H2CrO6, and the reaction between CrO3 and water can also be used. In industry, H2CrO6 is usually not directly synthesized but is used through its salts such as potassium dichromate or sodium dichromate.

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