What is B2Cl4? Important knowledge about B2Cl4.

B2Cl4, also known as Diborane(4) chloride, is a chemical compound with the molecular formula: B2Cl4. Its English name is boron tetrachloride. In B2Cl4, each boron atom has two sigma bonds with two chlorine atoms and one pi bond with another boron atom.

The molar mass of B2Cl4 is 133.62 g/mol. The B2Cl4 molecule is composed of two boron atoms and four chlorine atoms. In this substance, no ions are formed.

B2Cl4 is a white, odorless solid. Its PH level is not available because it is a solid that does not dissolve in water.

B2Cl4 has very poor chemical properties. It does not react with metals, acids, non-metals, or salts. However, B2Cl4 can burn in air to form B2O3 and HCl, or react with water to form B(OH)3 and HCl.

B2Cl4 cannot be synthesized in the laboratory due to its very poor chemical properties. In industry, B2Cl4 is also not widely used, hence no industrial synthesis methods have been developed.

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