What is H2Cr2O4? Important knowledge about H2Cr2O4.

  1. Definition of H2Cr2O4

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: H2Cr2O4 is usually called chromium oxalate, a chemical compound of chromium and oxalic acid.
1.1.2 English name: H2Cr2O4 in English is called Chromium(III) Oxalate.

1.2. Atomic elements: H2Cr2O4 consists of 2 Hydrogen (H) atoms, 2 Chromium (Cr) atoms, and 4 Oxygen (O) atoms.

1.3. Atomic weight: The atomic weight of H2Cr2O4 is 228.07 g/mol.

1.3.1 Molecular structure: The H2Cr2O4 molecule consists of 2 Hydrogen atoms, 2 Chromium atoms, and 4 Oxygen atoms linked together.

1.4 Ion structure: H2Cr2O4 does not dissociate into ions in water.

  1. Characteristics: H2Cr2O4

2.1 Physical properties of H2Cr2O4:

  • State: H2Cr2O4 is a solid.
  • Color: Black.
  • Odor: No distinctive odor.
  • pH: Not determined.

2.2 Chemical properties of H2Cr2O4: H2Cr2O4 has the ability to form complexes with metal ions.

  1. Common chemical reactions of H2Cr2O4: Currently, there is no data on specific chemical reactions of H2Cr2O4 with metals, acids, non-metals, and salts.

  2. Preparation of H2Cr2O4

4.1 Laboratory preparation of H2Cr2O4: Currently, there is no data on the preparation of H2Cr2O4 in the laboratory.
4.2 Industrial preparation of H2Cr2O4: Currently, there is also no data on the preparation of H2Cr2O4 industrially.

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