What is Cr2O3NO3? Important knowledge about Cr2O3NO3

In chemistry, there is no known substance with the formula Cr2O3NO3. It is possible that the teacher wrote the chemical formula incorrectly. We can analyze this formula according to different atoms:

– Cr: is the symbol for Chromium – a chemical element belonging to the transition group, with an atomic number of 24. Chromium is blue-grey, stable, and hard.
– O: is the symbol for Oxygen – a chemical element belonging to the nonmetals group, with an atomic number of 8. Oxygen plays a very important role in life and many chemical processes.
– N: is the symbol for Nitrogen – a chemical element belonging to the nonmetals group, with an atomic number of 7. Nitrogen makes up 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere and plays an important role in biology.

If we separate the formula into Cr2O3 and NO3, we can find a chemical for each part:

Cr2O3: is Chromium(III) oxide or Chromium green oxide. This is a solid crystal substance that is green to black, insoluble in water, and non-toxic. It is used as a colorant in the production of green glass and is a component in some types of paint.
NO3: is a nitrate ion, a polyatomic ion with the chemical formula NO₃. The nitrate ion has a negative charge and is the basis of many important compounds.

However, there is no known chemical substance with the formula Cr2O3NO3.

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