What is Co(OH)3? Important knowledge about Co(OH)3

  1. Definition of Co(OH)3:

Co(OH)3, also known as cobalt(III) hydroxide, is a brown-black solid that is insoluble in water. In English, it is called “cobalt(III) hydroxide”.

The atomic mass of Co(OH)3 includes 1 cobalt atom (Co), 3 oxygen atoms (O) and 3 hydrogen atoms (H). The atomic mass of Co(OH)3 is about 92.94 g/mol.

The molecular structure of Co(OH)3 consists of 1 cobalt molecule forming an ionic bond with 3 hydroxyl molecules (OH-). The ionic structure of Co(OH)3 is [Co(OH)3]^-.

  1. Properties of Co(OH)3:

2.1 Physical properties: Co(OH)3 is a brown-black solid, odorless and insoluble in water. The pH of Co(OH)3 solution is about 9-10, indicating its weak base nature.

2.2 Chemical properties: Co(OH)3 is very insoluble in water but soluble in acid. It also reacts with alkalis to form complex compounds.

  1. Common chemical equations involving Co(OH)3:

As Co(OH)3 does not easily react with metals, acids or nonmetals, there are not many examples of related chemical equations.

  1. Synthesis of Co(OH)3:

4.1 Lab synthesis: Co(OH)3 can be synthesized through a reaction between cobalt(II) nitrate and sodium hydroxide.

Co(NO3)2 + 2NaOH -> Co(OH)2 + 2NaNO3

Afterward, Co(OH)2 is oxidized by air to form Co(OH)3.

4Co(OH)2 + O2 -> 4Co(OH)3

4.2 Industrial synthesis: The current technology for producing Co(OH)3 mainly involves the reaction between cobalt sulfate and sodium hydroxide in an alkaline environment.

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