What is Cd(OH)2? Important knowledge about Cd(OH)2.

  1. Definition of Cd(OH)2

Cd(OH)2, also known as cadmium hydroxide, is a type of solid that is white or light brown in color. It can dissolve in acid and ammonia but not in water. Its English name is Cadmium hydroxide.

The molar mass of Cd(OH)2 is 146.42 g/mol. Its structure includes a Cd2+ ion connected with two OH- ions.

  1. Properties of Cd(OH)2

Cd(OH)2 is a solid, white or light brown in color. It does not have a characteristic smell, and when dissolved in water, it has a neutral pH. The chemical properties of Cd(OH)2 include its ability to react with acid to form cadmium salt and water, as well as its ability to react with metal to form the metal’s hydroxide.

  1. Common chemical equations of Cd(OH)2

Below are some examples of chemical reactions of Cd(OH)2:

  1. Synthesis of Cd(OH)2

In the lab, Cd(OH)2 can be synthesized through the reaction between cadmium oxide (CdO) and water (H2O): CdO + H2O -> Cd(OH)2. Industrially, it is usually produced from the synthesis of cadmium through electrolysis.

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