What is H2Se? Important knowledge about H2Se.

  1. Definition of H2Se

Hydrogen selenide (H2Se), also known as selenide hydride, is a chemical compound of hydrogen and selenium. H2Se is an amphoteric compound, which can act as an acid or a base. Its English name is Hydrogen selenide.

H2Se has a molecular weight of 80.98 and its atomic weight is 1.00784(7) u for hydrogen and 78.971(8) u for selenium. H2Se is a molecule consisting of 1 selenium atom and 2 hydrogen atoms, it does not form ions.

  1. Properties of H2Se

H2Se is a flammable gas, colorless, with a distinctive garlic smell. Its pH in solution form is usually a strong acid.

The chemical properties of H2Se are quite unique. It can react with metals to form selenide salts and react with oxygen to form selenium and water.

  1. Common chemical equations

H2Se can react with metals such as Fe, Cu, Zn to form FeSe, Cu2Se, ZnSe. In terms of acids, H2Se can react with HNO3, H2SO4 to form Se, H2O, and NO2 or SO2. With non-metals, H2Se can react with Cl2, Br2 to form HCl, HBr, and Se.

  1. Synthesis of H2Se

In the laboratory, H2Se can be synthesized by reacting Se with concentrated, hot H2SO4 or by reacting Se with Al, H2O, and H2SO4. Industrially, H2Se is commonly synthesized by reacting H2 with Se at high temperatures.

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