The equation 2Hg3Sn2 -> 2Hg2Sn2 + Sn2 + O2

Regrettably, the chemical equation you’ve provided is invalid. In your equation, the total number of atoms for each element is not the same on both sides of the equation. Furthermore, the compounds Sn2 and O2 can’t appear without any reactants producing them.

Chemistry is a precise and rigorous science, so each chemical equation must follow the law of conservation of atoms. This means that the total number of atoms for each type must be the same on both sides of the equation.

Please review your equation and provide a valid chemical equation.

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The equation 2Hg3Sn2 -> 2Hg2Sn2 + Sn2 + O2

Regrettably, the equation you provided is invalid because it is imbalanced in terms of atoms and there is no involvement of O2 in the reaction. Therefore, it is impossible to provide detailed information, reaction conditions, reaction process, and phenomena that occur.

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