What is HIO3? Important knowledge about HIO3

  1. Definition of HIO3

1.1 Names
1.1.1 Common name: Iodic Acid
1.1.2 English name: Iodic acid
1.2. Atomic mass: 175. 91 g/mol
1.3. Atomic weight: 53.0 (I), 16.0 (O) and 1.008 (H)
1.3.1 Molecular structure: HIO3 consists of one hydrogen atom (H), one iodine atom (I) and three oxygen atoms (O).
1.4 Ion structure: In solution, HIO3 can dissociate into H+ and IO3-.

  1. Properties: HIO3

2.1 Physical properties of HIO3
State: solid
Color: colorless
Odor: odorless
PH level: < 7 (acidic) 2.2 Chemical properties of HIO3: HIO3 is a strong acid, capable of reacting with metals and bases to form iodate salts.

  1. Common chemical equations of HIO3
    Metal reaction [If any]
    Give 5 examples [If any]
    Acid reaction [If any]:
    EX: HIO3 + KOH -> KIO3 + H2O
    Non-metal reaction [If any]
    Give 5 examples [If any]
    Reaction with salt [If any]
    Give 5 examples

  2. Synthesis of HIO3

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of HIO3
Give 5 examples [if any]
4.2 Industrial synthesis of HIO3: In industry, HIO3 is typically produced by oxidizing I2 in an acidic environment.

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