The equation 4HgS -> 2Hg2S2 + 2S + O2

  1. The chemical equation above represents the chemical reaction between Mercury sulfide (HgS), a substance commonly found in the mineral cinnabar, to produce Mercury (II) disulfide (Hg2S2), sulfur (S), and Oxygen (O2).

  2. Reaction conditions: For the reaction to take place, the temperature must be raised high enough. Usually, this reaction occurs at temperatures around 600 – 700 degrees Celsius.

  3. Reaction process: When the temperature is high enough, Mercury sulfide will decompose into Mercury (II) disulfide, sulfur, and Oxygen.

  4. Phenomena occurred: The reaction will produce a yellow gas (sulfur) and a colorless gas (Oxygen) rising from the initial solid (Mercury sulfide). Mercury (II) disulfide will remain as the solid residue.

Note: The above chemical equation may not be accurate as no reliable source of information can be found. HgS generally does not decompose to produce Hg2S2, S, and O2. Instead, it is usually heated with O2 to produce Hg and SO2.

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