What is HClO3? Important knowledge about HClO3

  1. Definition of HClO3

1.1 Name: HClO3 is commonly known as chloric acid. Its English name is Chloric Acid.
1.2 Atomic mass: HClO3 has an atomic mass of 84.46 Dalton units.
1.3 Atomic composition: HClO3 consists of 1 hydrogen atom (H), 1 chlorine atom (Cl), and 3 oxygen atoms (O).
1.4 Ion composition: When dissolved in water, HClO3 dissociates into H+ ions and ClO3- ions.

  1. Properties of HClO3
    2.1 Physical properties: HClO3 is a colorless and odorless liquid. Its pH is very low, ranging between 1-2, indicating that it is a strong acid.
    2.2 Chemical properties: HClO3 has a strong oxidation capacity, can react with many metals and nonmetals to form oxides and salts.

  2. Common chemical equations

  3. Synthesis of HClO3
    4.1 Laboratory synthesis: To synthesize chloric acid, a solution of chlorine water can be added gradually to a solution of acetic acid.
    4.2 Industrial synthesis: On an industrial scale, chloric acid is typically produced through the electrolysis of salt water.

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