The equation 2CaCO3 -> 2CaO + 2CO2 + O2

  1. Detailed Information about the Equation 2CaCO3 -> 2CaO + 2CO2 + O2 ->

The above equation describes the decomposition process of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) through high temperature to form calcium oxide (CaO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2).

  1. Conditions for the Reaction

The reaction requires high temperature (around 825-900 degrees C) to occur.

  1. Reaction Process

When the temperature is raised high enough, the molecules of calcium carbonate start to decompose into calcium oxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen molecules.

  1. Phenomena Occurring

During the reaction process, if performed in a sealed container, you will see CO2 and O2 gases being released. Additionally, calcium oxide will be formed as a solid substance. In industrial processes, this reaction is usually performed in a furnace at very high temperatures.

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