What is Fe3S3O9? Important knowledge about Fe3S3O9.

Regrettably, it seems that there might be some misunderstanding here. The formula Fe3S3O9 that you mentioned doesn’t correspond to any known chemical compound.

In chemistry, Fe typically stands for iron, S for sulfur, and O for oxygen. However, the compound you mentioned, Fe3S3O9, is not a valid chemical compound.

You may have confused it with another compound, such as Fe2O3 (iron(III) oxide) or FeS2 (pyrite), both of which are common chemical compounds. Both of these compounds have distinct physical and chemical properties, including color, state, and reactions with other substances.

Please bear in mind that, as with all chemical compounds, you should correctly identify the chemical formula before conducting any experiment. This ensures that you know exactly what you are doing and helps avoid inadvertently causing dangerous chemical reactions.

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