What is BrF17? Important knowledge about BrF17.

Regrettably, based on basic principles of chemistry, BrF17 does not exist. Each Bromine (Br) atom only has 7 electrons in the outermost layer, thus it can only connect with a maximum of 7 other atoms through covalent bonds. In this case, if Bromine connects with Fluorine (F), we can only have BrF7, not BrF17.

Conversely, BrF5 and BrF3 are real existing compounds of Bromine and Fluorine. BrF5 is a colorless, odorless yellow liquid, while BrF3 is a white solid with an unpleasant smell.

Both are strong oxidizing agents and react with many metals, acids, and non-metals to create various products. For example, BrF5 can react with water to create HF and O2, or react with NaOH to create NaBr and OF2.

In reality, the synthesis of these compounds requires high expertise and must be carried out under the supervision of experienced individuals.

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