What is ZnS2O3? Important knowledge about ZnS2O3.

I’m sorry, but it seems like there is a mistake in your question. The chemical symbol ZnS2O3 does not represent any known chemical compound. You may be looking for information about a different compound such as ZnSO4 (zinc sulfate). Please check the chemical symbol and provide more accurate information.

If you want to know about ZnSO4, I can explain as follows:

  1. Definition: ZnSO4, also known as zinc sulfate, is a chemical compound belonging to the sulfate group. Its English name is Zinc Sulfate. The atomic mass of Zn is 65.38, S is 32.07, and O is 16.00. Therefore, the molecular weight of ZnSO4 is 161.47 g/mol. This compound consists of one zinc ion Zn2+ and one sulfate ion SO42-.

  2. Properties: ZnSO4 is solid at room temperature, white, and odorless. It dissolves very well in water and has a neutral pH. ZnSO4 can also react with other metals, acids, non-metals, and salts to form new compounds.

  3. Common chemical equations: ZnSO4 can react with H2 to form ZnS and 2H2O. It can also react with acids such as HCl to form ZnCl2 and H2SO4.

  4. Synthesis: To synthesize ZnSO4 in the lab, a common method is to react Zn with H2SO4. In addition, ZnSO4 is also industrially produced by extracting from zinc-containing ores.

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