The equation CaSO4 -> CaO + SO2 + O2

  1. The above chemical equation describes the process of decomposition of calcium sulfate (CaSO4) when the temperature is raised. The result of this reaction is a product composed of calcium oxide (CaO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and oxygen (O2).

  2. Reaction conditions:

    • Temperature condition: This reaction requires high temperatures, usually in the range of 1200 to 1400 degrees Celsius.
    • Pressure condition: This reaction works best at normal atmospheric pressure.
  3. Reaction process: When the temperature is raised to the required level, calcium sulfate will decompose, breaking down into calcium oxide, sulfur dioxide, and oxygen. The CaSO4 will continue to decompose until it can no longer break down further or until the temperature decreases.

  4. Phenomena occurred: During the thermal decomposition process, the solid calcium sulfate will turn into solid calcium oxide, and sulfur dioxide and oxygen gases will be released. This phenomenon can be observed as gas escaping from the solid when the temperature is raised.

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