The chemical equation Hg2Cl2 -> Hg + Cl2

  1. The chemical equation: Hg2Cl2 -> Hg + Cl2demonstratesthedecompositionofmercury(I)chloride(Hg2Cl2)intomercury(Hg)andchlorine(Cl2) -> .

  2. Reaction conditions: This reaction requires high temperature to occur.

  3. Reaction process: When heated, Hg2Cl2 will decompose into mercury and chlorine gas. The mercury will exist in the form of white powder, while the chlorine gas will escape as a pale yellow gas.

  4. Phenomena observed: When the temperature is high enough, Hg2Cl2 will begin to decompose. The white mercury powder starts to appear and the pale yellow chlorine gas starts to escape.

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