What is Be3Mn2O4? Important knowledge about Be3Mn2O4.

  1. Definition of Be3Mn2O4
    Be3Mn2O4, also known as Beryllium manganese oxide, is a brown-black solid. In English, it is referred to as Beryllium manganese oxide. This compound consists of 3 Beryllium (Be) atoms, 2 Manganese (Mn) atoms, and 4 Oxygen (O) atoms. The atomic mass of Be is 9.0122, Mn is 54.938045, and O is 15.9994. Hence, the molecular weight of Be3Mn2O4 is 3*9.0122 + 2*54.938045 + 4*15.9994 = 205.87737 g/mol. Regarding the molecular structure, this compound has a dense crystal structure with both Be2+ and MnO4- ions having a coordination number of 6.

  2. Properties of Be3Mn2O4
    Be3Mn2O4 is a brown-black solid with no characteristic odor. Its pH cannot be determined as it is insoluble in water. In terms of chemical properties, Be3Mn2O4 is stable at room temperature and does not react with acids and bases.

  3. Common chemical equations with Be3Mn2O4
    Since Be3Mn2O4 does not react with acids, bases, and does not form complex compounds, no specific chemical reactions are known.

  4. Synthesis of Be3Mn2O4
    Be3Mn2O4 is not synthesized in the laboratory or industry due to its stable chemical properties and insolubility in water.

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