The equation 4HNO3 + 6H2SO3 -> 6H2SO4 + 4NO + 3H2O

  1. Detailed Information about the Equation: The chemical equation describes the reaction between nitric acid (HNO3) and sulfurous acid (H2SO3), producing sulfuric acid (H2SO4), nitric monoxide gas (NO), and water (H2O).

  2. Reaction Conditions:

    • Temperature: The reaction can occur at room temperature or the temperature can be increased to speed up the reaction.
    • Pressure: The reaction typically takes place at atmospheric pressure.
    • Catalyst: A catalyst is not required in this reaction.
  3. The Reaction Process: When nitric acid and sulfurous acid react with each other, the mixture will produce sulfuric acid, nitric monoxide gas and water.

  4. Phenomena Occurring: During the reaction process, the disappearance of nitric acid and sulfurous acid can be observed. Simultaneously, nitric monoxide gas is produced, which can be identified by its characteristic odor and the formation of sulfuric acid solution.

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