The equation 6HNO3 + 2Cu2O -> 4NO2 + 2H2O + 2Cu(NO3)2

  1. Detailed information about the chemical equation: The chemical equation above describes the reaction process between nitric acid (HNO3) and copper (II) oxide (Cu2O) to produce nitrogen dioxide gas (NO2), water (H2O), and copper (II) nitrate (Cu(NO3)2).

  2. Reaction conditions: The reaction occurs in an acidic environment, at normal temperature and pressure.

  3. Reaction process: When nitric acid reacts with copper (II) oxide, it produces copper (II) nitrate, nitrogen dioxide gas, and water. Cu2O is oxidized to Cu2+ while HNO3 is reduced to NO2.

  4. Phenomenon that occurs: During the reaction, nitrogen dioxide gas (NO2) is released, creating a characteristic smell. Water and copper (II) nitrate are also produced. Copper (II) nitrate dissolves in water, resulting in a blue solution.

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