What is Ag3PO4? Important knowledge about Ag3PO4.

  1. Definition of Ag3PO4

Ag3PO4, also known as Silver Phosphate, is a chemical compound with the chemical formula Ag3PO4. Ag3PO4 consists of three silver atoms (Ag), one phosphorus atom (P), and four oxygen atoms (O). The total atomic mass of this compound is 418.58 g/mol. The molecule Ag3PO4 is formed from silver ions Ag+ and phosphate ions PO43-.

  1. Properties: Ag3PO4

2.1 Physical properties of Ag3PO4: Ag3PO4 is solid at room temperature, with a color ranging from brownish-yellow to orange-yellow. This substance has no particular smell and has a neutral PH.

2.2 Chemical properties of Ag3PO4: Ag3PO4 is insoluble in water but soluble in strong acids and in solutions of cyanides, thiocyanates, and iodides.

  1. Common chemical equations involving Ag3PO4: Ag3PO4 participates in reactions with strong acids such as HNO3, HClO4 to form other compounds.

  2. Synthesis of Ag3PO4

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Ag3PO4: Ag3PO4 is typically synthesized by reacting a solution of AgNO3 with a solution of Na3PO4, resulting in a precipitate of Ag3PO4.

4.2 Industrial synthesis of Ag3PO4: The industrial synthesis process typically involves the creation of Ag3PO4 from the reaction of compounds containing silver ions and phosphate ions.

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