The equation 6HNO3 + 3Sb -> 3H2O + 6NO + Sb2O3

  1. Detailed information about the equation 6HNO3 + 3Sb -> 3H2O + 6NO + Sb2O3:
  • The above chemical equation describes the reaction process between nitric acid (HNO3) and antimony (Sb) to form water (H2O), nitric monoxide (NO) and antimony(III) oxide (Sb2O3).

  • According to the number of moles in the equation, 6 moles of HNO3 react with 3 moles of Sb to produce 3 moles of H2O, 6 moles of NO, and 1 mole of Sb2O3.

  1. Reaction conditions:
  • The reaction takes place under high temperature conditions.
  1. Reaction process:
  • Nitric acid reacts with antimony to form antimony(III) oxide, nitric monoxide, and water.
  1. Phenomena occurring:
  • When nitric acid reacts with antimony, a brown gas (due to nitric monoxide) is released, along with the formation of other products including antimony(III) oxide and water.

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