The equation 6HNO3 + 2Cu2S -> 2Cu(NO3)2 + 3H2O + 4NO + 2SO2

  1. Detailed information about the equation 6HNO3 + 2Cu2S -> 2Cu(NO3)2 + 3H2O + 4NO + 2SO2

This equation describes the reaction process between Nitric acid (HNO3) and Copper sulfide (Cu2S) to produce Copper(II) nitrate (Cu(NO3)2), water (H2O), Nitric oxide (NO), and Sulfur dioxide (SO2).

  1. Reaction conditions

The reaction usually takes place in an acidic environment, with appropriate temperature and pressure to generate sufficient energy to stimulate the chemical reaction process.

  1. Reaction process

In the reaction process, 6 moles of nitric acid react with 2 moles of Copper sulfide to produce 2 moles of Copper(II) nitrate, 3 moles of water, 4 moles of Nitric oxide, and 2 moles of Sulfur dioxide. This chemical reaction process is a type of redox reaction because both HNO3 and Cu2S are oxidized and reduced in the reaction process.

  1. Observed phenomena

When nitric acid reacts with copper sulfide, changes in color and heat generation can be observed. The product of the reaction, Copper(II) nitrate, forms a blue solid. In addition, Nitric oxide gas and Sulfur dioxide are released into the environment.

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