What is Cu2S? Important Knowledge About Cu2S.

  1. Definition of Cu2S

Cu2S, also known as Copper(I) sulfide, is a black solid. This substance is composed of 2 copper atoms and 1 sulfur atom. The atomic mass of copper is 29 and of sulfur is 16. Therefore, the atomic mass of Cu2S is 29*2 +16 = 74. The ionic structure of this substance is Cu+ and S2-.

  1. Properties of Cu2S

2.1 Physical properties of Cu2S: Cu2S is a solid in laboratory conditions, and it is black. This substance does not have a distinctive smell. The pH of Cu2S cannot be determined because it is not soluble in water.
2.2 Chemical properties of Cu2S: Cu2S can react with strong oxidizing agents to produce SO2 and CuO.

  1. Common chemical equations of Cu2S
    Reaction with oxygen: 2Cu2S + 3O2 -> 2Cu2O + 2SO2
    Reaction with strong acid: Cu2S + 2H2SO4 -> 2CuSO4 + H2S

  2. Synthesis of Cu2S

4.1 Laboratory synthesis of Cu2S:
Cu2S can be synthesized by reacting Cu with H2S:
2Cu + H2S -> Cu2S + H2
4.2 Industrial synthesis of Cu2S:
In industry, Cu2S is commonly produced by the reaction between Cu and S at high temperature.

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