The equation 2HNO3 -> H2O + 2NO2 + O2

  1. Detailed information about the equation 2HNO3 -> H2O + 2NO2 + O2 -> :
    The chemical equation illustrates the decomposition reaction of nitric acid (HNO3) under high temperature and low pressure. The result of the reaction is the formation of water (H2O), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and oxygen (O2).

  2. Reaction conditions:
    This reaction occurs under the influence of high temperature (around 300 degrees Celsius) and low pressure.

  3. Process of the Reaction:

    • Step 1: The temperature is raised to stimulate the reaction.
    • Step 2: Nitric acid (HNO3) decomposes into water (H2O), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and oxygen (O2).
    • Step 3: The reaction products are collected.
  4. Phenomena occurring:
    During the reaction process, the color change can be observed due to the formation of nitrogen dioxide, a reddish-brown gas. In addition, heat is released, and oxygen gas is produced. This reaction is also quite strong and fast.

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